Robusta Coffee Can Kill Foreign Microorganisms in Our Body

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West Sumatera's Robusta Coffee

Drinking coffee is indeed familiar to most people, but in detail there are not many benefits that are known by the public about coffee, especially Robusta coffee which has a very strong coffee taste. Usually, what is circulating in the community, drinking coffee can overcome sleepiness so that you can stay up all night to do activities or complete work that has not been completed previously.

For that reason, from teenagers to parents, they consume a lot of coffee at night so that their tasks can be completed without falling asleep. However, there is another very important benefit of robusta coffee that is rarely known by the general public, namely by consuming robusta coffee it can increase body resistance because this coffee can kill foreign microorganisms in the body. No wonder even for the current covid situation, the demand for robusta coffee is quite increasing.

How does Robusta Coffee Kill These Foreign Microorganisms?

Furthermore, how does Robusta coffee kill these foreign microorganisms? It turns out that in the human body there is something called phagocytosis activity. Phagocytosis activity is a process carried out by white blood cells by killing foreign microorganisms that enter the body. The cells that kill are phagocytic cells consisting of neutrophil cells (60%), monocytes (5%) and eosinophil cells (65%). Monocytes are more effective against the phagocytosis process, because monocytes have a longer lifespan than other phagocytic cells (Price, 2007).

The phagocytic activity of monocytes can be influenced by medicinal plants, one of which is robusta coffee (Coffea robusta) which contains antioxidant compounds that can increase the body’s defense system against infectious agents that enter the body. Antioxidant compounds can maintain monocyte cell viability, so monocyte cells are more effective in phagocytosing infectious agents. These antioxidant compounds include caffeine, phenol and chlorogenic acid which can increase phagocytic activity, and have an opsonin function to cover the surface of infectious agents and help phagocytic cells eat infectious agents. Infectious agents consist of viruses, bacteria, parasites, antigens and others. Antigens are foreign molecules that can trigger an immune response, such as latex antigens. Phagocytosis activity can be tested using latex antigens which are macromolecules consisting of proteins or polysaccharides that act as foreign objects in the body (Tjahajati, 2006).

Wow, it turns out that the benefits of robusta coffee are really cool, guys.

West Sumatra Coffee
West Sumatra Coffee

Best Sumatra Coffee From Karpilo Agro

Sumatra is indeed quite a contributor to the quantity of robusta coffee in Indonesia. For the Sumatran region itself, not only Robusta coffee is cultivated, even Arabica and Gayo coffee are also cultivated in Sumatra, as well as in West Sumatra. Coffee lovers in West Sumatra itself have also experienced an increase, the number of coffee shops that are currently standing in West Sumatra has succeeded in attracting the hearts of coffee lovers to just hang out and tell stories there. However, West Sumatran coffee is not only enjoyed by the residents themselves, this West Sumatran Robsuta coffee is also spread throughout Indonesia and has even been exported to meet the coffee needs of the world community, even today there are still many market demands that cannot be met by West Sumatran coffee farmers because of their demand which is so high, but West Sumatra will still strive to be providing the best coffee for every coffee lover in the world.

Robusta coffee from Karpilo ​​Agro is still natural, comes directly from farmers, and is processed traditionally without chemicals, of course, it will be very good for consumption by the body and will certainly provide greater benefits for the health of the body. Robusta coffee from Karpilo ​​Agro which is indeed well cultivated is picked by farmers and processed in the best way without the addition of chemicals. Be a smart coffee connoisseur by always prioritizing quality and health

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