Camellia sinensis leaves are the origin of black tea, the color of the leaves becomes dark obtained from the drying and oxidation processes that produce a strong flavor. Black tea is high in caffeine and rich in antioxidants. Black tea is obtained from the fermentation process whose fermentation is not carried out by microbes as a source of enzymes, but is carried out by the phenolase enzyme in the tea leaves. This process makes most of the catechins oxidized to teaflavin and tearubigin.
Antioxidant compounds and tearubigin are not as strong as catechins. This type has a strong aroma and is durable if stored well. The brewing period is three to five minutes with water with a temperature of 100OC. Black tea is most subjected to a fermentation process carried out with full fermentation.
The health of the digestive tract is very important to maintain. Healthy digestion makes us avoid various diseases, such as GERD, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, Celiac disease, hemorrhoids, to cancer. A reflection of good endurance can be seen from a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Since almost 70% of the components of the immune system are present in the intestinal tissues. In addition, good bacteria or probiotics live inside the gut to protect and maintain the health of the digestive system. These bacteria can also activate the immune system through several mechanisms. If the gastrointestinal tract is in a healthy state, the absorption of nutrients will be maximized, this makes the ingredients that support the work of the immune system sufficient and the body’s resistance becomes stronger. Conversely, if the gastrointestinal tract has problems and the number of good bacteria decreases, the process of nutrient absorption and the work of the immune system components in the intestine will be disturbed. This results in weak immune system and makes the body more susceptible to disease.
The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and anus are the human digestive system. In addition, the organs of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder are also included in the digestive system. The digestive system serves to receive and digest food. Once ingested, nutrients are absorbed and channeled throughout the body through the bloodstream. In addition, the digestive system also serves to separate and remove food waste that cannot be digested by the body.
Digestive system disorders are problems that occur in the ducts or organs involved in digestion that can be caused by various factors, ranging from infections to rising stomach acid. The symptoms of the disorder also vary from mild to severe, including:
Digestive system disorders are problems that occur in the ducts or organs involved in digestion that can be caused by various factors, ranging from infections to rising stomach acid. The symptoms of the disorder also vary from mild to severe, including:
- Diarrhea
Diarrhea is an increase in the frequency of defecation more than 3 times a day accompanied by a change in consistency to be more fluid, this can be caused by dietary changes, rotavirus infections, or bacteria. Diarrhea can last for several days to weeks. In addition, diarrhea can also cause the sufferer to experience abdominal cramps, fever, bloating, and nausea.
2. Constipated
Constipation is a change in the frequency of defecation to be less frequent and accompanied by difficulty defecation. This is due to a decrease in bowel movements. A person is considered to have constipation when the frequency of bowel movements is less than 3 times a week.
3. Hemorrhoid
Hemorrhoids occur when venous blood vessels located outside or inside the canal (rectum) experience swelling. This disease can occur in anyone, but about 50% of sufferers are over 50 years old. Hemorrhoids can cause pain and itching in the anus, lumps, and bloody discharge during defecation. In addition, sometimes hemorrhoids can also make it difficult for the sufferer to sit down.
4. Stomach Acid
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid rises towards the esophagus. This is due to the weakening of the valve (sphincter) located inside the lower esophagus duct.
In healthy people, the valve will contract and close the esophagus duct after food descends into the stomach. But in patients, a weak valve causes the esophagus to remain open, so that stomach acid rises into the esophagus.
5. Peptic Ulcer
Peptic ulcer is a wound on the lining of the stomach and upper small intestine. Such scraping and wounds are generally caused by infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or the long-term use of painkillers.
The content of tannins and polyphenols in black tea is useful in helping to smooth the digestive process, especially overcoming various intestinal and gastric diseases. This is due to the presence of antimicrobial properties that can kill harmful substances that simultaneously improve the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, drinking black tea is also able to help lower the risk of intestinal inflammation and kidney stone formation.

West Sumatra is included in the category of the top five largest tea producers in Indonesia. One of the tea gardens in West Sumatra has a land area of about 2,025 hectares and is the largest garden in the world. Production can reach approximately 4800 tons per year, 10 percent of which is for imports, and 350 kg is white tea production . West Sumatra is usually called the place that has the best standard of tea taste, because it only processes shoots that have three leaves where these shoots have a special subtlety of taste.