Impotence or the problem of erectile dysfunction in men is a very disliked problem, even all men would not want this disease to eat away at him. But in some cases there are many men with this impotence problem.According to some studies, 1 in 10 men experience this erectile dysfunction.
According to research from the journal Plos One, coffee can overcome the problem of erectile dysfunction or impotence in men. In the study, it was said that men over 20 years who drank 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day were less likely to have erectile dysfunction problems.
Coffee, which is consumed by men, can actually answer this impotence problem. The caffeine content in coffee is believed to be able to overcome the problem of erectile dysfunction aka impotence in men. Coffee helps blood flow more smoothly to the penis and causes an erection.
West Sumatra Coffee From Karpilo Agro
Sumatra is indeed quite a contributor to the quantity of robusta coffee in Indonesia. For the Sumatran region itself, not only Robsuta coffee is cultivated, even Arabica and Gayo coffee are also cultivated in Sumatra, as well as in West Sumatra. Coffee lovers in West Sumatra itself have also experienced an increase, the number of coffee shops that are currently standing in West Sumatra has succeeded in attracting the hearts of coffee lovers to just hang out and tell stories there. However, West Sumatran coffee is not only enjoyed by the residents themselves, this West Sumatran Robsuta coffee is also spread throughout Indonesia and has even been exported to meet the coffee needs of the world community, even today there are still many market demands that cannot be met by West Sumatran coffee farmers because of their demand which is so high, but West Sumatra will still strive to be providing the best coffee for every coffee lover in the world.